Go Green For Christmas: Gift Wrapping


Growing up, one of my most vivid memories of Christmas is my Mom getting us to save all the bows after we unwrapped all our gifts, so she could reuse them next year. Stored in a massive bag, it was like an archaeological study of the 'Bows of Christmas Past'. She's is the Queen of saving and reusing little gift boxes, bags, gift card holders and papers.

So in that same "waste not, want not" spirit, I wanted to suggest this super simple low impact Japanese technique of Furoshiki wrapping for your gifts this year. It's so sass-a-frakin' simple!

Gift + Square Cloth = pretty wrapped gift 🎁

Remember - K.I.S.S. - It doesn't need to be a fancy knot but cool if that's how you roll out in the world. I'm more loosey goosey. So, a quick wrap and knot and then add a sprig of greenery, a candy cane or cinnamon sticks whatever you like! Here are a few fun to get you inspired for wrapping presents this Christmas!

Happy Wrapping!

#christmaswrapping #christmaswrappingpaper #greenchristmas #christmasstyling #ecochristmas #holidaytable #seasonalstyling #christmastreeideas #christmastags #christmasbows


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